The history

Values that have lasted
for over a century

The origin of the brand dates back to 1884

When Yataro Iwasaki, the founder of Mitsubishi, rented the Nagasaki Shipyards from the Japanese Government, renamed them Nagasaki Shipyard & Machinery Works and began production of military ships for the Japanese navy.

The shipbuilding industry is still one of the leading sectors of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, but since the ’20s Mitsubishi sees the progressive diversification and extension of its activities in the heavy industry, air, railway and automotive.

Just from one of these spin-offs, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation – now a historic competitor – was born in the year 1921: Mitsubishi Electric started the production of residential electric fans when the parent company Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co. founded a new industry for the manufacture of electric motors in Kobe for transoceanic ships.

The naval sector gave rise to Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co., Ltd, which in 1934 became Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.: the largest private company in Japan, which manufactures ships, heavy machinery, airplanes and railway carriages.

At the end of the Second World War, with the entry into force in Japan of laws that prevented the economic and financial concentration of companies controlled by individual families, the dismemberment of Mitsubishi started, which was divided into 3 different companies: West Japan -Heavy Industries, Ltd, Central Japan-Heavy Industries, Ltd and East Japan-Heavy Industries, Ltd. The company is re-consolidated in 1964 and reborn with the name of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.

Under the control of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, the production of motor vehicles with Mitsubishi Motors Corporation took shape in the 1970s.

Today’s demand for alternative energy resources sees Mitsubishi Heavy Industries constantly engaged in the search for cutting-edge solutions, capable of preserving the delicate balance of the current and future ecosystem.

Today Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is a leader in many sectors of the traditional industry, but above all a leading player for technological innovation in the aeronautics, aerospace, robotics and renewable energy sectors.

Termal Group, the exclusive MHI’s distributor

In Italy, in the Leisure living segment, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is present with products for air-conditioning, heating and for the production of domestic hot water.

Since 1984 the exclusive distributor of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Italy is Termal Group, a leading company for over 35 years, in our country and in Europe, in air-conditioning and renewable energy fields. Headquartered in Bologna, the Termal Group developed a capillary network for distributing its products, in Italy and in Europe, thanks to the reliability of the offered services and the impressive logistics capacity: direct shipments, Academy for continuous training, network of service centers, own internal R&D office.

Turning good ideas into innovative projects.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has always pursued a policy based on quality and environmental protection; on competence and reliability; on the development of efficient solutions and products.

The logo

The literal translation of Mitsubishi is three diamonds.
The same diamonds are depicted in a stylized way on the logo that has never changed over time.
The founder Yataro Iwasaki chose this symbol to bring together the three oak leaves of the emblem of Tosa clan – his first protector -, and the three superimposed diamonds of his family’s emblem.
Even today, each diamond represents the three cardinal principles of the company:

  • Common responsibility towards society
  • Integrity and loyalty
  • Knowledge of peoples through commerce